

Magnolia Monday to You

Magnolias are Magnificent.
Don't you agree?
Talk about a sensitive flower tho.

I don't have many memories of my maternal grandparents becasue they both passed on when I was very young. One of the few things I remember learning from "Bobbie" was about Magnolias. She had a magnificent Magnolia tree in her yard. When it bloomed she would cut one and set it in a bowl of water on her dining table.

I remember that smell. It would waft through the house and make everything smell like springtime. Anytime I see a magnolia or smell one, I think of her.

When I would come around, she would tell me "if you touch it, it will turn brown." Even as a young girl, I loved the smell and beauty of a Magnolia but the temptation was too great.

Of course, I had to touch it, just to see if she was telling the truth.
Would one single finger cause such a pretty thing to turn brown?
Just one finger on the edge...maybe it wouldn't turn brown
from just a gentle touch?

So, I touched it.
Sure enough, it turned brown in that spot.

Of course, it was obvious that I had touched it.
Who wouldn't notice the brown finger-shaped spot that developed on the petal?

I can't help but think how closely this paralells life. There are things we shouldn't do. God tells us. Our parents tell us. Conscience tell us. Many times we know the consequences (or at least that there will be consequences) so why do we do them anyway?

Because our hearts wander. Because we wonder if the rules apply to us? Because we hope the rules of life don't apply to us.

We make bad choices.
We touch the proverbial flower.
Just to see if they were serious.
And our lives turn brown.
Sin has a way of coming to light.
It leaves it's mark deep on our hearts.
As much as we try to hide it, it's never truly hidden.

One of the private schools in my neighborhood has a banner in it's yard. I can't help but think that there is no more fitting verse for students and parents and the general community to see every day as they drive by. It's Psalm 51:10.

Create in me a clean heart,
O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit
within me.
--Psalm 51:10 (JPS)

Happy Magnolia Monday!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

One of my favorite Psalms, thank you.

I can smell the magnolias from here!

Memory Eternal to your grandparents.