

Bleary eyed Monday

It's a good thing you can't see me right now.
Bleary eyes that were up way too late last night (this morning) are not a delightful sight.

But my sister's graduation announcements are all tied up with ribbon and ready to go. For someone (like me) who has a huge problem doing anything repetitive, this is a great accomplishment in itself.

My sister is 18. I am 34. I was 16 when she was born. She was barely three when I went to college. We didn't grow up in the same house but we are very much alike and that brings me so much comfort and makes me incredibly afraid, all at the same time. I can hardly believe she is graduating from high school this weekend. She has been homeschooled her entire school career and is participating in a graduation ceremony with some other home school seniors in her church. She's preparing for college, which makes me so incredibly proud of her.

I got the job of printing and assembling her graduation announcements (see photo). The ribbon is silver organza and it just makes the whole project, if you ask me. Very simple eleganance. Like Deb. {Thanks Heather for the cards...they were perfect.}

In other news, I submitted 4 pages for the design team (I hate that term) at a new LSS. My time with the LaPluma DT is concluded (and has been since the first of the year) so I feel like I need something new to do. I really like the store and should I be selected to participate, it's only for 3 months. I would really like to do this. Cross your fingers for me.

I have to go to the Post Office today...say a prayer for me. I have about 8 packages to mail and will have the boys, which makes everything an adventure. I don't mind taking them most anywhere, with 2 exceptions--the PO and the scrap store. Seems those 2 places are just too much. It never works good. Am I dillusional to think today will maybe be different? One has to hope, right?! Right.

Happy Monday morning!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Congratulations to your sister.

I am 11.5 years older than my brother, so I can relate to a lot of what you've said.