

It's a Dirty Job for Mike Rowe

It's been said that working in television is glamourous but somehow I think Mike Rowe, host of the Discovery Channel's show Dirty Jobs might have a different perspective. What a guy Mike is! He takes on all these super non-glamourous, dirty jobs...really unsexy, unwanted by most people and with a wicked sense of humor creates one of the best shows on tv...and certainly the best reality show around. Coming from the one woman who hates reality tv, that should mean something.

Dirty Jobs, as you might have already guessed, is one of two shows that my boys really enjoy. Really enjoy. (You didn't really thinkt his was something *I* would watch without them, did you?) Cute as Mike Rowe is...that's some disgusting stuff.

The second show of choice these days is Firehouse USA: Boston. I actually ran across an article about this show in a newspaper and knew that the junior firefighter in our house would love it. Sure enough...the guys of Huntington Ave (the busiest fire house in Boston) have become household names in our house. I recorded the episodes on the DVD (for editing and previewing before the boys watch them) and it's nice to have this extra measure of control over the tv. Firehouse is cool.


Unknown said...

Hhhmm those sound fun.. I will admit I LOVE reality tv. I know I know what a waste of time to watch those shows but My dh and I love em :) Love your blog into my favorites!

Anonymous said...

Well...we all know how I feel about Mike Rowe. In fact, I think I have the perfect dirty job for him:). HA!

Anonymous said...

Don't know if your boys would relate as easily to this program, but there is a show on the History International channel that is going thru, by century, the dirtiest jobs in history. Right off the top of my head, can't remember the name of it - but will ask hubby. The show is quite informative and tries to reenact the jobs. They have reenacted some real interesting and sometimes very gross jobs. But it's a fascinating show!
I'll get back to you with the name and program info.

Stephanie in Memphis