


I'm going to stop trying to think of catchy titles...I'm "all thunk out" these days. We'll just stick with the day of the week, if that's OK with everyone. Also, I'll start using the label system for Andy posts so that if you want to easily find all the posts related to Andy, you just click on his name in the small print under any post.

For those of you who are new around these parts, the latest entry always stays at the top of the page, so you'll always see the most up-to-date message first. And the final piece of house-keeping news is that I usually wait until my boys are down for the night to check in with Mom or Dad and then generally you can expect new posts between 10 pm and midnight (Central time).

In news of a favorite soldier, Friday night was difficult for Andy--lots of dreams and only fitful sleep. Saturday morning brought orders to eat at least 2000 calories a day (again to promote the healing of the neck) as well as a record-high fever. A new CAT scan revealled an infection in his pancreas. This is a development of major concern because if the infection is not able to be controlled right away, Tuesday's surgery will have to be postponed. Andy has his heart set on this surgery on Tuesday...because that will allow him to have the restrictive neck brace removed soon after and the work of real physical therapy to begin.

So, there is only one prayer request tonight--pray that the medications will get the infection under control ASAP so that the surgery will not have to be delayed.

In other news, Mom and Dad printed out several emails to read to Andy before they left home. I will continue to print more and send them up in bundles. The more the merrier. :)

Last Sunday, my pastor, Scotty Smith (Christ Community Church, Franklin, TN) spoke about Why We Pray in response to a question posed by one of our members:

If God is sovereign and knows all things, why pray? If
prayer doesn’t really change God’s mind, or change
anything else, why
pray? It’s getting easier and easier not to pray.

I'm not going to repost all that he said but if you should like, you can listen to the entire service here. It's a worthy listen.

Psalm 5:1-3
Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing.
Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God,
for to you I pray.

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

May the Lord bless each of you with a worshipful Sunday!

PS I've been getting bundles of emails.
I'm working my way thru responding but it's a little slow.
Thank you for overwhelming us all with your compassion and concern.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Prayers and lit candles continue!