

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Wanna guess where this "S" came from?
So what's up with you?

I'm a bit bored.
It's hot and I am so not a fan of hot weather unless there's a beach nearby. :)

Joal worked a few days in Houston this week--did I mention how green with envy I was for this trip? Houston is the home of Tracy Keith's little scrapbook establishment. I want to go there so desperately. But I digress.

His plane was late getting in last night, so everything got pushed back. We didn't go to bed until nearly 2am. Which threw us all into an exhausted, grumpy state for most of today.

Now of course, I drank some Diet Coke this afternoon and now, even tho I am tired, I am so amped I can't sleep. ((Sigh))

*Jennifer McGuire's got some really cool card/stamp videos on her blog. I really like this one.
*And this collection of tags made me want to go to town punching up some scraps.

*My sweet husband is leading worship at our church this Sunday...and I get to be there. I think I'm more excited than he is. He plays acoustic guitar with the band pretty regularly, but this week he's leading. Leading. the. whole. shoting. match. The worship pastor (I forget what his official title is) is out this week, as are both the senior pastors, but they've left the morning in very capable hands. I had forgotten how much work it is to heard volunteer musicians. :) I can not imagine having the wherewithall to get up and lead hundreds of people in's all I can do to sit in the middle sometimes, but Joal--man Joal loves it.

*My Quickutz binders and baskets are in a mess...totally. If I don't clean them up, I'll never find anything. Does anyone need some foam? I seem to have an excessive collection of 4x4 foam sheets. If you need some, let me know.

*My in-laws are coming down from PA for the 4th. I'm excited about that.

That's all for now. Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

Joke said...

Hi Sarah, I read your favorite LSS closed. Yes, scrapbooking is a tough business. I live in Holland and a lot stores closed their doors the last year. Many Dutch people order stuff in the USA, it's a lot cheaper than in Holland.
I see you have a scrapcard blog too. I'm going to take a look. Bye for now.